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What are you looking for in a martial arts school?
In the beginning, everyone approaches martial arts differently.
Many parents are interested in getting their kids physically active and engaged with other children. Some want their kids to become more focused and confident. Many recognize the need for self-defense training in an increasingly difficult world. Others like the sport aspect of karate, so they look for a school that regularly competes in tournaments.
Potential adult students look for much the same things. That’s because they’re aware of all the research that points to martial arts training enhancing their personal and professional lives by teaching them to be more focused, fit, and disciplined – in addition to helping them be safer by gaining self-defense skills.
In the final analysis, training at Robinson Martial Arts does all of these things.
Kids do better in school, get strong and flexible, develop a sense of self-sufficiency, and learn how to aim for success. They become part of a team that helps each member move forward. And, they have fun!
Adults who train are happier and more productive at work. You get progressively more physically fit, more goal oriented, increasingly confident, and become part of a tightly knit group that encourages, supports, and keeps you pointing toward your goals!
At Robinson Martial Arts our students are family. And, we encourage your family members to be involved in your journey. Parents, grandparents, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters . . . everyone in your life is considered part of the dojo family. They watch their students train, hang out at the “big table”, or just stop by to talk with friends. The inside joke is that we’re the McDowell County version of Cheers! We really do know everybody’s name . . . and probably the names of all their pets (except snakes – we don’t do snakes!).
But, we take our work seriously and regularly produce champion competitors and national award winners to prove it. However, we’re not all work – you know, train, train, train. We regularly have social events – parties, potlucks, picnics. If there’s an excuse to have food and fun, we’re there!
So, don’t wait! Check us out. We offer training in Sakura Ryu Karate for Tigers 4-6 years of age, kids 7-12, adults 13 – up.
Just give us a call at 828-768-2581 to make an appointment for a FREE, no obligation class, and see what a difference Robinson Martial Arts can make in your life!